Monday, July 20, 2009

Hospital Visit July 19

Dad fell last friday July 17th, after an amazing day =( He was feeling awesome all day, he went to costco, ran some errands, then sat down to chill out for the night. When he was ready for bed, he go out of his chair, a little to fast, and fell down. He fell and hit the table on his left side, in the area between your ribs and hip. He went up to bed and got himself into the shower and into bed fine. The next day he said he was very sore, but there were no sharp pains. We felt around and he thinks it was just bruising. I (jenny) also just thought it was bruising.

That day he needed quiet a bit of help getting around the house because he was sore from hitting the table. We had a hard day, but got through it. Sunday morning around 2am Theresa and I were to leave for San Jose. We decided to stay with Dad until Kathy was able to come over and help out. We left with our good byes and were on the road about 9am.

About 11am Kathy said Dad was stuck on the stairs and wanted to go to the hospital. She got the ambulance and they were on the way to St. Jude. They ran tests and did x-rays on him. He has a bruised rib. He also has some fluid in his lungs still from the last visit. They are going to run some more tests and figure out a plan for his lungs. Hopefully in a few days he will be back to dad again!

Dr. Wali most likely will keep dad for a few days in the hospital. There is a chance that he may be sent him home because its just bruising. But, generally Dr. Wali likes to keep dad a few days for observation. His lungs are the biggest concern right now.

Debbie from Genworth is coming to evaluate dad for homehealth or a caregiver in the home. Kathy and Dad are going to be home for this appointment.

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